Who Am I And What Can I Do For You

Welcome to David’s World of Captured Canine Moments!

Hello there! I’m David, a devoted dog lover, passionate photographer, and seeker of life’s beautiful moments. If you’re here, you share my love for these incredible four legged people and the magic that photography can create. Let me take a moment to introduce myself and share my journey with you

A Lifelong Love

From the first moment I held a camera at five years of age, I knew I had found my calling. Many years of photographing life, a photography degree and a teaching qualification followed by years of teaching photography to foundation degree level, have honed my skills and deepened my appreciation for the art. That said, it’s my lifelong connection to both dogs and photography that truly fuels my creative spirit.



Portrait of the dog photographer

Nature’s Embrace

As someone who finds solace in the great outdoors, I’ve learned to harmonise my two passions – photography and nature. The soft, golden light of dawn and the vibrant hues of dusk inspire me to capture the essence of our four-legged friends against the backdrop of Mother Nature’s finest canvas. There’s a certain magic that happens when a dog’s spirit is intertwined with the beauty of the world around them.

From Horses to Hounds

My heart beats for more than just dogs. Horses hold a special place too – the elegance, grace, and strength they exude mirror the very qualities I aim to capture in every photograph. The connection between human and horse, just like that between human and dog, is a remarkable bond that words often struggle to define.

A Heart for Rescue

One of my unwavering passions is dog rescue. The fact that countless loving and deserving dogs are waiting in rescue centres tugs at my heartstrings. I believe that every dog has a story to tell, a light to shine, and a place to call home. Through my lens, I aim to amplify their voices, showcasing their unique personalities and making them irresistible to potential forever families.





Creating Home with Heartfelt Art

But my mission goes beyond capturing moments. It’s about crafting art that resonates deeply, finding its home on your walls and in your heart. Each photograph I create tells a story – a story of loyalty, joy, and the boundless love that dogs share with us. My vision is to transform houses into homes, with carefully curated wall art that speaks volumes about your unique connection with your beloved furry companion.


Join Me in Celebrating Life and Love

Thank you for stepping into my world, where dogs, photography, and the beauty of nature collide to create art that touches the soul. If you’re seeking to immortalise your dog’s spirit, create unforgettable memories, and contribute to the cause of dog rescue, I’m here to be your partner on this incredible journey.

Let’s capture moments, tell stories, and make a difference, one click at a time.

Warmly, David.